Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Musings from someone who sees stories everywhere.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

morality and the lack of it

Is our moral degradation hurtling us inexorably towards doomsday? Or is it a sign of our progress? After all, we are innovatively creating new ways to turn morality upside down.

The problem isn't restricted to our political leaders at the top of the rotting pyramid. Look around in every sphere of life, whether in education or in industry. So many people everywhere seem hell-bent on furthering their own agendas at the cost of the common good. This is where ordinary people like us can hope to make a small dent. We can try to persuade those close to us to modify their approach. We can, for instance, persuade folks around us who toss garbage on the streets or feel paying bribes is the only way to get things done, to reconsider their stance. Peer pressure can have a positive impact in such cases.

Little drops make the ocean.

My detailed opinion piece on this subject is published in Sunday Herald